Product Reviews Management *
All items sold on Amazon are followed with a request for review. Positive reviews are the lifeblood of a good product and good brand. We actively encourage customers to leave reviews knowing most of them will be good reviews.
Negative reviews can sink a product or brand equally as fast. It is not uncommon for an unscrupulous competitor to attempt to steal sales by sabotaging reviews. We have some options for removing such reviews in their entirety. Most of the time, the review must stay, but we can address the issues. With honest customers, this provides a method for future customers to see what happens when things go awry. Most people realize accidents happen, it is more about how you fix them than removing all errors.
Seller Review Management
In contrast, this is not a review of the product. This is a review of the seller. The same items apply here as they do above. Often the customer confuses the two and places a product review here. When that happens and it is a negative review, it can usually be removed because it is not a seller review.
When the customer has a point, we address the issue publicly and make them whole for all the world to see and in accordance with your corporate culture.
Message Reviews
Amazon customers have the option of messaging the brand / seller. We monitor those messages and reply to the customer. This normally must be done within 24 hours of the question or request. Brands that do not have someone monitoring this, accidentally provide poor customer service and risk the loss of selling privileges on the Amazon platform.
If the question is beyond our expertise, we still reply with a placeholder reply; then contact you for a more definitive answer to be provided later.
Limit “Rogue Sellers”
When a Brand has a strong selling presence on Amazon and has several levels of distribution, random people will begin selling the product on your listings. The more of these (unauthorized) sellers there are, the more likely MAP and other policies will be violated.
We do the work of advising your brand how to limit the number of such sellers. This includes Cease and Desist orders, enforcement of distribution and retail contract language, enforcing (or helping build AMAZON specific) MAP policies. We can help leverage Transparency, Brand Registry and Trademark benefits as well as creating dis-incentives directly in the listings.
Enforce MAP
There is often a need for an Amazon Specific MAP policy. We can help with the creation and implementation of this policy. Once in place, we can use it as a tool to help clean up the “rogue sellers” and bring a much greater percentage of the Amazon sales to your Brand or authorized sellers.
* Requires Brand Registry